An easily stylable checkbox component.
"use client" import * as React from "react" import { CheckboxGroup as CheckboxGroupPrimitive } from "@base-ui-components/react/checkbox-group" import { Checkbox as CheckboxPrimitive } from "@base-ui-components/react/checkbox" import { cn } from "@/lib/utils" const CheckboxGroup = React.forwardRef< React.ElementRef<typeof CheckboxGroupPrimitive>, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CheckboxGroupPrimitive> >(({ className, ...props }, ref) => { return ( <CheckboxGroupPrimitive className={cn("flex flex-col items-start gap-2", className)} {...props} ref={ref} /> ) }) CheckboxGroup.displayName = CheckboxGroupPrimitive.displayName const Checkbox = React.forwardRef< React.ElementRef<typeof CheckboxPrimitive.Root>, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CheckboxPrimitive.Root> >(({ className, ...props }, ref) => ( <CheckboxPrimitive.Root ref={ref} className={cn( "rounded-xs peer inline-flex size-4 shrink-0 items-center justify-center border border-input outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-ring data-[disabled]:cursor-not-allowed data-[checked]:border-primary data-[invalid]:border-destructive data-[checked]:bg-primary data-[invalid]:data-[checked]:bg-destructive data-[disabled]:opacity-50 data-[invalid]:focus-visible:outline-destructive", props.indeterminate && "border-primary bg-primary", className, )} {...props} > <CheckboxPrimitive.Indicator className={cn( "flex data-[checked]:text-primary-foreground data-[invalid]:data-[checked]:text-destructive-foreground", props.indeterminate && "text-primary-foreground", )} > {props.indeterminate ? ( <svg width="9" height="9" viewBox="0 0 9 9" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="" > <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M0.75 4.5C0.75 4.08579 1.08579 3.75 1.5 3.75H7.5C7.91421 3.75 8.25 4.08579 8.25 4.5C8.25 4.91421 7.91421 5.25 7.5 5.25H1.5C1.08579 5.25 0.75 4.91421 0.75 4.5Z" /> </svg> ) : ( <svg width="9" height="9" viewBox="0 0 9 9" fill="currentcolor" xmlns="" > <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M8.53547 0.62293C8.88226 0.849446 8.97976 1.3142 8.75325 1.66099L4.5083 8.1599C4.38833 8.34356 4.19397 8.4655 3.9764 8.49358C3.75883 8.52167 3.53987 8.45309 3.3772 8.30591L0.616113 5.80777C0.308959 5.52987 0.285246 5.05559 0.563148 4.74844C0.84105 4.44128 1.31533 4.41757 1.62249 4.69547L3.73256 6.60459L7.49741 0.840706C7.72393 0.493916 8.18868 0.396414 8.53547 0.62293Z" /> </svg> )} </CheckboxPrimitive.Indicator> </CheckboxPrimitive.Root> )) Checkbox.displayName = CheckboxPrimitive.Root.displayName export { CheckboxGroup, Checkbox }
import { Checkbox } from "@/components/ui/checkbox"
<Checkbox />
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